Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Everything is allowed…

Everything is allowed…

We are all keen with the idea of summer followed with light makeup But not this year. You can go black!

Don’t feel restricted, go ahead and wear that so much loved and adored Chanel black nail polish that you hold so dear, do a smoky eye this summer../

Caution, if you do go forward with a bolder makeup do not follow that idea with your cloths to.  The result will not be appropriate../

Prefer to wear something very flirty, light and bright (not in extremes)../

Wavy hair, girly attitude and rock & roll make up../ 
Iro T. xx

Vogeu Italia May 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

Simplicity in the city

Simplicity in the city
The temperatures are rising together with the length of your skirt or your pair of shorts.
It’s wrong to over dress during the day when you are constantly on the walk going somewhere and always doing something. You must feel light like a feather and free as a bird../
Here are some propositions for the city…shorts, trunk suits, summer trench coats etc etc../
The ultimate accessory Your SMILE../
Iro T. xx 

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Back when Lindsey Lohan was a blond

Back when Lindsey Lohan was a blond, exposed and unstable  

I just felt like showing you some pic. that portray emotion of some sort and vulnerability again of some sort../
  It is obvious that she is jaded, there is no need to explain any further, all of you are pretty smart ../
                                                                                            Iro T. xx