Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Your T-shirt Has Something To Say

It all started in 1913 when the crewneck T-shirts became a regulation underwear for the U.S. Navy../

Two decades later it became a fashion ../

And in,
1951 An Undershirt Named Desire../

 THe white T-shirt by the year’s end../
 Sold a total of $180 million. 

Rock n Roll../

A fan../

Frank Zappa thinks Warner Bros. Sucks! ca. 1979../

Hank William Jr. (Bocephus), ca. 1979 "IF YOU AIN'T A COWBOY, YOU AIN'T SH*T!"

Hells Angel MC Oakland chapter founder and President Sonny Barger

 Keith Richards asks, "Who the Fuck is Mick Jegger?./

Curt Cobain../
Hi, How are you../

70s the Westwood rise../


 John lydon../

Joe Trummer../ 

 The One and Only 
Axl Rose../
Guns N' Roses../

Bill Graham, ca. 1982-- "I SURVIVED"

Canadian Rolling Stones fans, ca. 1979../

Circa 1979-- "Free Keith" t-shirt, in reference to Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards../

Never forget that everything has smt to say,
a voice,
an idea, 
a purpose../

Iro T xx