Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Are you an obsession or an expression../

I try to hide, 
But there is no place holding me 

Day after day it goes on, 
Neglecting time,
It keeps me steady on../

And so I look at the sky; 
Reminding me,
 There are No limits..

Iro T xx

Monday, January 23, 2012

Let The Teardrops Fall

Raindrops are falling on my head,
I'm just like a guy who's feet are too big for his bed,
nothing seems to fit.
Those raindrops are falling on my head they keep falling.

But there's one thing I know,

the blues they sent to greet me won't defeat me.
It won't be long 'till happiness,
there's sun to greet me. 'Cause...

John Farnham - Raindrops Are Falling On My Head Lyrics../

Love and Bruises,
Nicolas Guerin assisted by William Wang, Ian Seah, and Brian Chan../

Iro T. xx

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Boho Graphical Lines

Contradicting Elements

The box we live in,
& the clothing we chose is an outbreak../
Expression must never be left behind../

The Fusion of fade in & out coloring,
add's in the picture a Retro compulsion../

The Photo-shoot reminds us of painting's,
Painting's, inspired from the 20th century../

Tata Christiane -Magical Realism- ../

Iro T. xx