Saturday, April 17, 2010

Its Saturday

Its Saturday,.. 
Meaning that Sat. Night is on the line thus everyone is making dinner and clubbing plans right now over their phone or BBM, if not already made.

Here is song to just get you started whilst you are getting pampered for tonight../ 


Iro T. xxx
Go crazyyy


Wednesday, April 14, 2010


This is a song I heard today for the very first time from a very special friend of mine this morning at Uni. It’s a Sunny, blue-sky, cooling day that gives the first taste of summer../

I feel that this song will remind you of a summer breeze with a cocktail at hand, walking on beach and splashing your feet along diamond waters.


Iro T.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Tweed is Back Rag & Bone AW10-11

The Tweed is Back in its best outfit.

Although, I know that we are all expecting summer (which is literally rite around the corner),  I couldn’t help but share with you the first collection on its own by Rag 87 bone for women. Here is a video of their show (with commentary).

“Traditional ‘old School’ English”

I must tell you that Rag & Bone are one my favorites in the fashion Industry. They have superb fabrics and exquisite design.
Take a Peak and tell me what You Think and what You would Wear../
Iro T.